Research Topics
I study Russian intellectual history in nineteenth century, especially Nikolai Fedorov (1829-1903).
When I was in the University of Tokyo as a master and doctoral student, I focused on the Christian aspect of Fedorov's thought. In my doctoral desertation, I interpreted his project of the Common Task, composed of many social and scientific practices, consistently in the light of Christian thought and showed that he formulated his thought accepting his contemporary arguments, cultures, and so on.
Now, I extended the boundaries of my research. I'm interested in the issues of "faith and reason" and "science and religion" in Russian and Western intellectual history in 19th and 20th centuries.
History of Grants
Research Societies
В долге воскрешения соединяются и "memento mori",
как прискорбный факт, и "memento vivire",
как необходимая, неизбежная цель.
Н. Ф. Федоров